Saturday, January 14, 2012

Game of Thrones: The Book vs. The Show?

Do you think the show represented the book well enough?

Do you prefer one (book or show) over the other?

If you have not read the book, has seeing the show made you want to do so? Will you wait for the TV series to end before you start reading the books, or would you like to begin them now?Game of Thrones: The Book vs. The Show?
I prefer the book over the show (the books are always more detailed than the show, always.).

I love the books (currently on the 4th book) but I also enjoyed the show and can't wait for season 2 even though I already know what will happen.

Personally I would rather always read the book first before watching the show, because there's only so much time that can be dedicated for each episode so naturally a lot of details have to be skipped to save time for the important aspects of the story.Game of Thrones: The Book vs. The Show?
I think Game of Thrones is one of the best adaptations from book

(I saw the show first and then read the book)

I expect the adaptations (TV show/movie) to be detailed and close to the original books as much as possible

Game of Thrones is almost the same as the original book

So I really love the show and I think the cast is awesome!

I prefer the book :)Game of Thrones: The Book vs. The Show?
The show is a great translation, but nothing holds a candle to the books. They are vastly superior. Especially if you read them before the show and imagined these places and characters for yourself first.
the show is okay but the books are ten times better.

I would definitely read the books because the show usually is not as good as the book(s).

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