Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is anyone else disappointed with HBO's "Game of Thrones?

Everything is so wildly inaccurate and different from the book.

1. Children (Dany included) are -way- too old.

2. Dany looks like a clueless derp

3. Hodor.. oh GOD don't get me started on how the screwed Hodor up

4. NONE of the characters look how they are described in the book. I mean, I could go on and on and on about every single character. They are not even CLOSE to how they are in the books.Is anyone else disappointed with HBO's "Game of Thrones?
1 - It's only by a couple years for all except Dany. I doubt they would have found a thirteen/fourteen year old girl who would play the part (she has sex, appears naked, etc.)

2 - Have you ever heard of the phrase "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?" That applies, here. You may think the actress is terrible, but I (and the people who cast her) think she's really good. She looks like Danaerys and fits the part.

3 - Hodor isn't very important in the show - really, it's no big deal.

4 - So what? Have you seen ANY other book that's been turned into a show/movie? It's practically impossible to find an actor who looks EXACTLY like the author described them and is perfect for the part - and the actors are given wigs/hair dyed to make them look a little more like their characters. Really, it doesn't matter that much. I think the actors they chose are good at their parts - who cares if their eyes are a certain colour and opposed to what is said in the books?

And I beg to differ - the show is a LOT more similar to the book than most other movies/shows are. They might have added/taken away a couple scenes, but even some dialogue is the exact same as the book.

Really, you just came here to vent. Please, if you hate the show so much, just don't watch it - it's as simple as that. Let other people enjoy it and just stick to the books if it matters that much.
I thought that the show did an exceptional adaptation of the book. Was it perfect, no. Was it a hell of a lot better than every book-to-screen adaptation I've ever seen? Absolutely.

The quibbles I have with the show are different.

1. Dany-Drogo's wedding night scene.

2. Littlefinger telling Sansa the Hound's story instead of the Hound doing it himself.

3. The fact that the Hound's story (and those of other great characters) were cut short in order to make room for Ros, the Prostitute-Not-Appearing-In-The-Book.

4. Cersei and Robert's background story and the general softening of Cersei. I liked the unapologetic evil!

5. Cat's shift in the beginning. She wanted Ned to go to King's Landing and Ned wanted to stay. Not the other way around.

I didn't mind the aging of the children characters. That was a necessary part of a screen adaptation and I'm okay with that. I thought Emila Clarke did a fanstastic job as Dany. Hodor... eh... not that important. Physical descriptions; I thought that Theon looked too much like Robb, but otherwise, I was okay with it. I would liked to have seen Dany and Viserys with purple contacts, but I'm not going to quibble over the fact that Tyrion didn't have mismatched eyes.Is anyone else disappointed with HBO's "Game of Thrones?
1. The ages are only skewed by a couple years and they did that just because of the actors.

2. I like Emilia Clarke, the only difference between her and Dany physically is eye color.

3. Can't disagree there.

4. I think they did as best they could. The actors (in my opinion) are phenomenal and a few physical differences aren't that important if the actors can MAKE me believe that they are their characters.

Also, I don't really think this question was anything but rhetorical. You wanted other people to agree with you so you came to the internet.
I'm enjoying it, though I haven't read the book yet. It's on my "take on holiday" pile.

Honestly, though, if the worst discrepancy you can find is that the actors don't look exactly the way you pictured the characters and that they needed to up-age a bit to get child actors who could handle the roles, I'd describe that as being astonishingly accurate, not "wildly inaccurate".Is anyone else disappointed with HBO's "Game of Thrones?
I would rather the series have phenomenal actors than match the book perfectly. And there are _always_ going to be changes when converting a book to a movie. That is a fact of life.

Look at True Blood. That show has veered drastically from the books, but still stays true to the spirit of the books.

Best just to enjoy the books, and enjoy the series, and realize it's never going to be _exactly_ the same.

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