Monday, January 23, 2012

What is game of thrones about?

i wanted to read the book before i tackled the show. so could anybody explain what the book is basically about? i tried reading it once and i couldn't really get into it but i love reading new things so im giving it another shot. and do you like the show more than the book or the other way around and why?What is game of thrones about?
Scorps explained it fairly well.

Just fair warning; there's quite a bit of sex (descriptive) in the first 2-3 books. It calms down after that, but when you're first reading it, it's a bit uncomfortable. Eventually you just get used to it :P

I hope I helped a little! :)What is game of thrones about?
A fantasy novel about the brutal game involved in ruling a country in the medieval time set.. It's the War of the Roses on an Epic scale. I happen to like both a fairly lot. The show is quite faithful to the books.

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