Monday, January 30, 2012

Game of Thrones premiere, what did y'all think?

I haven't read the 1st book in over year, so I don't remember everything. It seemed pretty faithful to the work, although the narration was. They also raised the children's ages (Bran mentioned to be 10, not 8, Sansa 13 instead of 11) which I must say will be a welcome change from the book. I appreciate them inserting a map into the credits, I hope they adjust the grpahics overtime as other areas like Harrenhal and Vaes Dothrak replace Winterful and Pentos in importance. I thought Jaime's, Ned's, Arya's actors did a good job especially...Game of Thrones premiere, what did y'all think?
Overall, I liked it. I thought it was well done. I liked the acting and I loved the visuals and the sets. My complaints are minor, really.

1. The Dany/Drogo wedding night scene was wrong. I thought in the books that it was very pivotal for them. Didn't like how it was portrayed.

2. We see Theon Greyjoy but they don't introduce him or explain why he is there. And he didn't kick the head. He should have kicked the head because that was an early indicator for his character.

3. Don't mind the aging of the characters or some of the additional dialogue. Tyrion's lechery is a bit overstated and his sheer cleverness is understated. Hoping that changes as things move on.

4. Should have been a little more in the crypts with dialogue explaining Lyanna and Rhaegar.

5. I didn't like Cat geting a letter directly from Lysa. I liked the hidden, encoded message in the box. Sending a letter directly would have been way too risky.

Overall, as a longtime fan of the series, I am very pleased thus far. Looking forward to the next nine Sundays.Game of Thrones premiere, what did y'all think?
Im watching now like a half hour in. Seems pretty awesome. One of the best openings to a show I've seen in a long time with the night patrolGame of Thrones premiere, what did y'all think?
ya they are well intertesting

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