Friday, January 20, 2012

What are some titles similar to A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin?

I have to write a book review on A Game of Thrones and a comparison paragraph has to be included. But I don't know anything to compare the book to.What are some titles similar to A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin?
You could go two or three ways with this.

First, compare it to another work from the fantasy genre. The Dune Series, Zelazny's Amber series, Moorcock's Elric series.

Second, compare it to a work that has another connection. Find a rambling epic of an extended family and compare it that way. Wolfe's Look Homeward Angel, Kerouac's Town and the City. even Roots.

You need to connect the book you read to a whole second book that you already read.What are some titles similar to A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin?
Well, what other fantasy books have you read? Heck, what other books have you read? GoT can't _possibly_ be the only book you are familiar with.

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