Friday, January 20, 2012

Is 'Game of Thrones' really as awesome a book as I've been told?

Yes it is. The 3rd book in the series was by far the best, but the 1st was decent too. Actually had working relaisitc geopolitics, and an author who wasn't afraid to kill off characters in an unpredicatable fashion or shy away from fairytale cliches. It starts slow, a couple of the narrators are absolutly boring, but it is worht it for the compelx plots and better point of view voices.

In defense of Stella, the Islamic invemsetment banks contribute to the global economy, which in turns lets people buy books like A game of thrones. Therefore her comment represnets how a game of thrones is simply an achievment of the productivty of the global economy.Is 'Game of Thrones' really as awesome a book as I've been told?
Absolutely. Just bear in mind that it takes a good reader. It is a very complex story with a -lot- of characters and even more subtle details. It's also for grown-ups, so if you are easily offended, this isn't the story for you.

The last medieval fantasy series to really impress me in its quality. The worst part about it is the author's reluctance to finish the series, as the latest book's release has been postponed for years.Is 'Game of Thrones' really as awesome a book as I've been told?
I have not read it, but just in case thought I'd mention that HBO has filmed a Game of Thrones series which will begin April 17
Yes. Yes it is.

A Dance of Dragons--book 5--is coming out this summer in July. Good time to catch up.Is 'Game of Thrones' really as awesome a book as I've been told?

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