Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Should I bother continuing to read Clash of Kings?

I read Game of Thrones earlier this summer and LOVED it! However, I am struggling with book 2, Clash of Kings. Nevermind the teeeeenie weeeenie print, the story is so very slow and on page 112 (which would be at least 220 with any normal sized font) I am still not getting into the story at all. Does it get better? Is it worth more torture? Will sticking to it pay off in the long run or should I just chuck it??

Awaiting your wise and wonderful replies.

Best wishes,

xxShould I bother continuing to read Clash of Kings?
I cannot stress enough how much I think you should continue. I, personally, don't recall ever finding any of the books slow going, but each to their own. If you hadn't enjoyed GoT I would say give it up as it's not for you, but if you loved that then you should carry on. There are some threads that hold more interest through Clash than others; I didn't find Dany's too enthralling in this book, if I remember correctly. But the events with Robb, and later on with Jon, are some really juicy bits. Also, without giving too much away, there's a great battle. And of course it all sets the pace for Storm of Swords, which will have you utterly hooked and screaming at the pages in some parts.
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