Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I want to read but for some reason I can't. What shall I do?

Hello all, I have this problem concerning books.

I really like book reading. I have read a few books and every time I read I feel complete. I like how my imagination travels with books. I have read Fantasy, Philosophy/Nietzsche, Verne, Pressfield. In total I have read around 15-20 books and I like the idea of reading.

The problem is that even though I like it, I don't easily sit down and read. And I mean it. When I say that I will read now, my mind subconsciously wants not to and 'orders' me to do other things. And I keep delaying over and over again, for weeks or even months. I don't know why this is happening. I can't just sit down and read although I know that the book is terrific and I will have my best time reading it.

For example I want to read Illuminati and Da Vinci Code. I have been delaying them for months, even though I bought them. I have recently seen A Game of Thrones movie series, I like it a lot. My friends tell me that the books are amazing and I really want to read them. I even bought last week the first book, yet to start it.

I really don't know what's going on. One way of explaining myself is that when I was at the school and university, I was forced to read books even though I didn't want to. But on the other hand I really want to read so I should overcome this.

Sorry if I sound a bit stupid or whatever. I felt the need to share it with all of you. And if anyone has the same problem or in general if you can suggest me ways to overcome it, I would be very grateful.

I apologize for my English as it is not my native language.I want to read but for some reason I can't. What shall I do?
This happens to me, also. Sometimes reading shorter pieces or magazine articles can help me get me back in the mood for a novel. Or if I read something completely different than what I would normally read.

Give yourself time. Reading has seasons.I want to read but for some reason I can't. What shall I do?
I know exactly how you feel and sometimes no matter what, it's really hard to sit down and read, no matter how much you love it. I have books literally everywhere and can't pick up a single one sometimes. What helps though, I've recently learned is audio books, it still gives you the accomplishment of finishing a book and technically never stops you reading, sure, it's being read to you, but the more you do that, the more you're gonna want to pick up a book and read. Just make sure it's something fun and maybe listen to the audio book and then read the actual book to yourself, it helps with getting more into it, you can imagine the voices and actually know how to pronounce some of the names that might be difficult because they are so strange or unheard of. You can also try reading something on the internet, not a book but an article, fan fiction if you like that, original writing on fiction press or warped. The light might just help you get more into reading and want to pick up a hard copy of a book. I know sometimes it's hard, heck, i need to read a book for my english class and it's one of my favorite books and i still can't find the will power to read it again. It happens and trying something like this might help.

Another thing i know might help and i've done it, i know it's weird and maybe a little gross for really cleanly people but it helps. I could never read the series of unfortunate events books because i thought they were boring, so i decided to see what would happen if i set one in the bathroom next to the toilet and what would you know, i finished reading the book. I also found if you take baths that if you read while sitting in the warm water it's very soothing and makes reading a whole lot easier, especially if you have music playing lowly while you read. It is so much easier.

Just find times when you're doing something else, even watching tv or listening to music, and you'll be amazed at how much easier reading is when you do it that way. It makes picking up a book not so hard.

Well, I hoped i helped a little.

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