Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A novel to read. Fantasy/scifi?

I've read so many books that it is hard to think how many of you will actually suggest anything.

I've read:

Percy Jackson series

BLack company


Hunger games


The name of the wind

Harry potter

Valdamar series and other Mercedes Lackey books

The farseer trilogy

the riftwar saga

R.A Salvatore books (dark elf series so on and forever)

Mortal insturments

Wheel of time seires

Ranger's of Albion by John Flanagan

Bartamaous trilogy


Lord of the rings

Dresden Files and Codax Chronocals by Jim Butcher

Mistborn series

Sones of shanara (didn't really like it all too much)

I don't like:

Maximum Ride (A good idea but it was done all wrong. Too childish I would like one that wasn't a childrens book. Human experimentation. The test subject escaping and adventure that follows would be nice.)

House of night: (Usually I frown on book burning but this one disurves it)


If you suggest a book with vampires in it or especially if the main character becomes a vampire then they have to actually BE a vamprie. No vegitarian vampires eating cerial and countring carbs. And in case you don't know what a vampire is then I'll tell you. A. lives off ONLY blood. B. turns to ash in daylight. C. Supernatural strength speed and reaction time as well as night sight. The rest I'm willing to let slide but not these. I really don't want a novel based on romance or mostly based on teenage romance.

A game of thrones (killed off my favorite characters just to turn around and bring them back. A little too morbid but I have t9o apload the realism.)A novel to read. Fantasy/scifi?
Wow, you really have read a ton of fantasy/sci-fi!

Anyway, you might like some of Guy Gavriel Kay's works concerning fantasy. Tigana is considered to be one of his best, although it's very much in the vein of "serious" fantasy works in that it deals with the issue of how removing the name of a country (Tigana) can physically and psychologically affect the citizens of that country. It has magic, but not in the typical swords and sorcery way, but in a realistic, limited sense.

A sci-fi suggestion would be Dune by Frank Herbert. A lot of sci-fi enthusiasts swear by it, although I didn't really appreciate the god complex that occurs at the end....

Neil Gaiman is also the god of urban fantasy, and Neverwhere is a good place to start for him. Personally, I liked the breezy child lit Coraline, myself.

Wasn't a huge fan of it, but A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin is a really short YA book on a boy who attends wizard school and what he does afterwards. It's also part of a series.

Out of all these suggestions, I really encourage you to read Tigana. It's probably the most mature and developed novel from this list. If you're looking for a shorter read, go for Coraline and then Neverwhere from Gaiman.
You haven't read any of the 5 books of Dan Brown afrer all that ( thaat ) you have read ..

Try it .. IT's Mind-Boggling .. It takes reading to a new level.

The Da Vinci Code ( best )

Angels and Demon ( 2nd )

The Lost Symbol ( 3rd )

and the other 2 .A novel to read. Fantasy/scifi?

Animal Farm

House of Stairs

Ender's Game

Lord of the Flies

Four Past Midnight (Short stories I assume are okay)

The Phantom Tollbooth

His Dark Materials (The Golden Compass, etc.)

Hope this helped.
Full Black, Brad Thor

The Devil Colony, James Rollins

Michael Vey: The Prisoner of Cell 25, Richard Evans

Tree Shepherd's Daughter, Gillian SummersA novel to read. Fantasy/scifi?
This is a great site for fanstay/supernatural books:鈥?/a>

It lists various books that are original, but not so well known (so no Harry Potter and Twilight).
I'm reading little brother by cory Doctorow it's a little techy on words because the kids a hacker but the government thinks he caused a terror attack in Cali. Try it.
I've read The immortal Nicholas Flamel Young Adult series.It's really good and I enjoy it so far.
You might like The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins...

It's the only book I could think of that I've really liked that isn't on your list.
You've read the Riftwar Saga? Don't stop there. Read the rest of it.
You read all those wonderful books but not His Dark Materials? Its very well written and capturing i cried at the end of the second and third book. The story commences with a girl named Lyra who lives in a parallel word which every ones souls it outside them in a animal form prior to their personality's called ' deamons' pronounced DEE-mon. She live happily as a family-less Tom boy, family-less if you exclude the scholars of Jordan college whom she is under care and her uncle lord Asreil who hardly visits, and whose deamon is a snow leopard But her live changes when she sneaks into the master's room with her deamon, Pantalaimon, during an important meeting and learns about Dust...

I'm surprised you haven't read it yet...
I read a really good book recently called Unwind. It is a futuristic book about a society where abortion is illegal but you can be "unwound" up until age 18. Be unwound means that your body parts are recycled to use on other people, but you are never actually killed. It was great.

Also, I really love Jurassic Park and the Lost World by Micheal Crichton. So different from the movies and so good, if you are into creature sci fi.

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