Wednesday, February 8, 2012

WDYT of this guilty pleasure name?

My boyfriend got me into Game of Thrones, and after watching the first season of the show, and reading half the first book, I am very much obsessed. I've already added Brandon to my name list because of it, and now this one to my GP list:

DANAERYS. It's a girls name, pronounced duh-NAIR-riss. So what do you think? Remember it's a guilty pleasure name - I probably wouldn't actually use it. Could you please rate and comment?

Also, which nickname do you prefer for it? Dany/Dani (like Danny) or Aerie (AIR-ree)?WDYT of this guilty pleasure name?
Ah that show, yes....It's definietly something I'd put on my GP list too lol
It's unique.

Rate: 6.5

For a nickname Dani/Dany is too masculine for me [No offence to some]
I'd have the nickname Aerys or something:p The ending of the name.

I prefer Danaerys. It's easier to pronounce. I would hate to be called that, but it is kinda cool all the same. I like Ari for a nickname. I would probably spell the whole name Daneris. The other way looks like it is said "dan-airys" like dairy but with an extra bit thrown in!WDYT of this guilty pleasure name?
As a guilty pleasure name, sure.

I don't care for the name myself. It does have sort of a pretty sound I will admit, but it's a little overdone. Kind of like someone was trying too hard to be unique. Definitely GP.

Dani's my favorite for the nn.
I like both the spellings Danaerys and Danerys. I like the ae best though.

I don't understand where the name is from, but it sounds like something I've heard somewhere before. Personally, I think the name is fine. Her nickname could be Dana (DAY-nuh).WDYT of this guilty pleasure name?
My husband and I love that show so awesome. I think that name is beautiful...but I totally get it being a guilty pleasure name..could def be a middle name though. I like both nicknames but I like dani a bit better.
I actually think it is cute. Dani is adorable.
It's hideous.
I like the way it sounds but the spelling is a little much for me...I also like the nickname Dani. =)
Aerie makes me think of airhead.

Danaerys is too weird and I don't like it.
Maybe u shouldn't be such a wh0re and you wouldn't have to be thinking about baby names.
It's sounds pretty but is spelt awfully!

Aerie is the best nickname:)
I don't like any of those spellings. Although its not all that bad, I definitley don't love the name. Lol.
Very cute : -) nick name Aerie is e best.

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