Thursday, February 2, 2012

Whats a good Fantasy book?

My dad had just picked up a book a few weeks ago by George R.R. Martin (A game of Thrones) and I read the first 2 chapters and I liked it. But I was woundering what else is a good book similar to it.

Any help?

Thanks!Whats a good Fantasy book?
A list to get you started! Once you find an author you truly like, stay with that author, you will find other series you like!

Artemis Fowl. Colfer, Eoin.

Artemis Fowl : the Arctic incident. Colfer, Eoin.

Artemis Fowl : the eternity code. Colfer, Eoin.

Artemis Fowl : the eternity code. Colfer, Eoin.

Eldest. Paolini, Christopher.

Eragon.Paolini, Christopher.

Eragon. Paolini, Christopher.

Pierce, Tamora. Alanna : the first adventure.

Pierce, Tamora. Emperor Mage.

Pierce, Tamora. In the hand of the goddess.

Pierce, Tamora. Lioness rampant.

Pierce, Tamora. The realms of the gods.

Pierce, Tamora. The woman who rides like a man.

Pierce, Tamora. Trickster's choice.

Pierce, Tamora. Trickster's queen.

Pierce, Tamora. Wild magic.

Pierce, Tamora. Wild magic.

Pierce, Tamora. Wolf-speaker.

Don't forget to ask at your library or check there on-line public access catolog (OPAC)
Depends how old you are :) If you are younger (10 -12ish) try A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle - I didn't look that up so I probably spelled her name incorrectly. If you are in your teens - Dragonlance novels are great - statr with Dragons of Autumn Twilight. Welcome to our geeky world! :)Whats a good Fantasy book?
The Axis trilogy by Sara Douglas %26amp; Shanara Series by Terry Brooks are both great sets of books and both also do other books that are enjoyable, just google both there names through wikipedia for a list. Ive enjoyed both these authors.
i know book but not similar to that one


2.Erin Hunter(author)Whats a good Fantasy book?
I loved the Xanth series by Piers Anthony. He is so full of puns...Very funny too!

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