Some of my finds:
1)A child called IT-very disturbing about an abusive mother and how a child overcomes it-at work (in a hospital)
2)A book about 8 mysterious deaths of sick babies at Toronto's hospital for sick children in the early 80"s-they were murdered but I don't think they really found out who did it.-also at work
3)A game of Thrones By George Martin-at a hostel in my younger travelling days-fantasy adventure.What are some interesting books you've found-more details?
Fossil Hunter by John B. Olsen- browsing through the Library
The whitney chronicles by Judy Baer - same thing
What the cat dragged in by Gilbert Morris - yep at the library
These are my favorite books!!!What are some interesting books you've found-more details?
The Three Christs of Ypsilanti, found it at a rummage sale I's about three men who all had the delusion that they were Jesus Christ, so a psychologist put them all in a room together and recorded their interactions. Fascinating stuff.
Another weird rummage sale find was "The Love Rack", this book from the 20s or something like that about these lovers who end up finding out that their parents knew each other in some complicated way long long ago. It was much less salacious than I had anticipated based on the title.What are some interesting books you've found-more details?
The Zombie Survival Guide, at an airport bookstore. Loved it.
BTW, Game of Thrones is the best series of books. Ever.
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