Does anyone else hate these books with this pace? I'm going to write a book soon, but I want to make it like middle paced; at least one thing that really contributes to the story will happen in every chapter, but alot of people seem to enjoy slow paced books?Does anyone else hate slow paced novels?
I hate slow passed novels too. There so hard to read because I get bored.Does anyone else hate slow paced novels?
it depends on the subject. a slow pace may be allowing the reader to indulge in the style of writing, imagery, suspense, expectations, emotions, etc. in the extreme, in post-modern works, the feeling the reader has towards the writing may in fact be the goal of the author - to manipulate how you feel! in steph meyer's case, i doubt thats it, she probably is just waxing long about swooning vampire fangirls.
good luck with your book. try to spell "alot" as "a lot" when you go to publish. (common error) ;)
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