Thursday, February 2, 2012

B&A: Which Fantasy Book Should I Read?

It's hard to choose. Fantasy books always have slow beginnings and I have to work through it to get to the good parts.

I have:

The Demon King by Cinda Chima

The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett

Homeland (Drizzt book) by R. A. Salvatore

Or should I wait till tomorrow and get Game of Thrones by George R. Martin?

Note: Something new has started. Along with the blog I also got started a Forum! I know it's stupid considering we have Y!A but I actually divvied up the sections and the best part is, no homework questions!

Here's the link:…B%26amp;A: Which Fantasy Book Should I Read?
Of those, I've only read The Colour of Magic and A Game of Thrones.

The Colour of Magic is hilarious, though it's not typical of his later books, which are less about cracking jokes and more about telling a story (which happens to be funny). So if you enjoy it, bear in mind that the later books aren't "more of the same".

Talking of slow beginnings, I'm not sure that the story has properly started by the end of A Game of Thrones. It kept me turning the pages, but it's nearly all setting up the conflicts that will occur in later books - which I haven't read. My other gripe about it was that it only just qualifies as fantasy. Given the length of it, there are very few fantasy elements, and they have hardly any bearing on the story. Later books apparently have more, but I was too impatient to want to read them.

EDIT: Oh - if this has turned into a shameless self-promotion thread, you can read my novel (for free, until a publisher offers me money for it). It's faster-paced than A Game of Thrones, but not as funny as The Colour of Magic. A Wizard's Daughter is a murder mystery set in a school for wizards. Yes, very Harry-Potter-ish... except that the "young and naive wizard at a school for wizards" is about the only similarity.…
Terry Pratchett is one of the most unique and amusing fantasy writers out there, but CoM isn't his best. It's basically a parody of other fantasy stories. I would, however, recommend giving him a try because the Discworld series is overall superb.B%26amp;A: Which Fantasy Book Should I Read?
Definitely the Demon King. That book-and the author's other series- are absolutely amazing. The sequel is even better, and it won't be hard to get into at all. The beginning is very... busy.
Never read any of those, but The Demon King sounds the most interesting.B%26amp;A: Which Fantasy Book Should I Read?
Lord of the Rings
You can try my book, titled: The Lost Histories: Magus. It's a brilliant new fantasy novel that fans of the Harry Potter books will love! I don't like slow starts either, so I filled it with action :D

My book is about a young man named Kell, who's only wish was to live a normal life, to settle down in a small town and forget his lonely past. He thought he had finally found his place to call home, and for three years, he was right.

But one day, an old man from Kell's dreams arrives, and tells him to flee! The tyrant emperor Malcor is hunting him for powers Kell never knew he had! Now Kell must survive a journey with his lifelong friend Cealia and young brother-like friend Dale as they are pursued over the Plain-lands by legions of soldiers, and shadows that kill!

If you think this is the book for you, just follow the Facebook page below, there you can choose an option to get your own copy in the BUY THE BOOK tab :D
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